Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Look Ma, My Hands!

Since the day she was born, Olivia has always had her hands up in her face (see Exhibit A, above). Until recently she lacked the coordination to really control where exactly her hands landed. She would keep her tiny hands balled up in fists and try desperately to get her thumb in her mouth, not realizing that she was working against herself -- the harder she tried to find her thumb, the tighter she would ball up her fists (with her thumb securely tucked away under all those other fingers).

Then one magical day, all of Olivia's hard work paid off -- her thumb accidentally landed in her mouth, and all that sucking managed to keep it there (Exhibit B).

She doesn't care that the other four fingers are poking her in the eye most of the time. Even if I give her a pacifier, she'll spit it out after a few minutes and in pops the thumb.

At this age, she's too young to try to teach about the perils of thumb sucking. So for now, we just enjoy how adorable she is, and Mommy enjoys how quiet the mornings are since Olivia sucks her thumb when she wakes up instead of crying to nurse.


Unknown said...

Exhibit B made me laugh out loud. She's just so darn cute!

Anonymous said...

she's beautiful! Honey