Tuesday, September 1, 2009

It's 8:10 am...

And I've nursed Olivia, she played and I pumped, she ate cereal and so did I, we cleaned up her and the kitchen, changed her into daytime clothes, and now she's taking a nap.

One year ago, I was just rolling into the office and starting my day. The most pressing item on my agenda was finding coffee.
Oh, what a
difference a year makes!


Aunt E said...

Those jean shorts are adorable! Ya'll got a lot done by 8:30...what time do you get started?

Becca said...

She looks all grown up! I can't wait to see her!

Liz said...

Well, it never stays the same for very long yet, but right now Olivia is usually up by 6 or 6:30 -- way earlier than I want to start my day! But on the positive side, she's been getting to hang out with Daddy in the mornings for a little while before he goes to work.