Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Second 9 Months

Dear Olivia,

Today you are 9 months old. Nine whole months! I cannot believe how quickly it has gone by. It just doesn't seem possible-- we just brought you home from the hospital! It seems as though it was just yesterday that I was hoping and praying that you would hurry up and come already. And now look at you: sleeping sweetly in your crib, sucking your thumb after a full afternoon of scooting, laughing, waving, clapping and exploring. Your favorite toys these days are simple ones: you love to play with the clothes basket and Minnie Mouse. You have started to try to pull yourself up on anything that will stay still long enough for you to grab it. I think that you will be walking before we know it.

You have so much to say, already. You are constantly babbling and cooing as you play, and I can't wait to find out what you are saying when you learn words. I love your wet, sloppy open-mouthed kisses and the way you squeal with delight and hide your face when you are excited. Even though you only say it when you are upset and crying, there is nothing sweeter in this world than you hear you say "Ma-ma-ma-ma."

The first 9 months while you were still growing inside me, I felt desperate to know you. What you would look like, what your name would be, what kind of temperament you would have. You were a little stranger for those first 9 months, and I would often try to imagine what you and our lives would be like when you finally arrived. These second 9 months have been like nothing I could have ever imagined, my dear sweet Child. You have turned our world upside down these last 9 months, but Daddy and I wouldn't have it any other way. And the child I am watching grow right before my very eyes...wow. You are such a beautiful soul, and an absolute joy to everyone you meet. Yesterday you and I were running errands and stopped for lunch at Chick-fil-A. While I fed you the chicken and vegetables we had just bought from Target, you watched out the window as cars drove away from the pickup window and you waved to every single one. You make friends wherever you go, and I hope that you stay that way forever.

You have richly blessed our lives these second 9 months, and Daddy and I love you with all our hearts.

Hugs and kisses,


1 comment:

Aunt E said...

Well, you did it. You made me tear up. That was so sweet. Olivia will treasure those words one day.